Federal Visionists claim to love this verse. They claim to believe in justification by faith alone.
However, nothing could be further from the truth. We know that, deep down, all Federal Visionists are wolves that do not believe the gospel.
Thus, the secret to attacking to Federal Vision is to twist everything they say into an attack on justification by faith alone. Turn everything they say into an assault on the gospel. For instance ...
- If an FVer ever wants to question our modern understanding of law-gospel, then simply declare that they have rejected sola fide.
- If an FVer ever wants to investigate the historical understanding of law-gospel, then simply declare that they have renounced justification.
- If an FVer ever wants to nuance law-gospel, then simply declare that they have denied JBFA.
This diversionary tactic works not only on law-gospel, but on pretty much anything. If an FVer wants to debate the meaning of a particular passage of scripture with you, you don't really have to listen to their argument. Instead, you can simply assert that they are preaching another gospel, which is no gospel at all.
If an FVer wants you to hear what Calvin said on an issue, don't listen. It doesn't matter. There's no way in hell that we would ordain Calvin anyway. Just say, they have departed from the historic reformed faith.
This is protocol for anything. If an FVer comments that the sky is blue, they have denied sola fide. If an FVer maintains that grass is green, they are seeking to be justified by works.
Hopefully, the FVers will get the message that engaging us is fruitless. Whatever the means, we have to guard our flock. The gospel is at steak!