“For the sake of Jacob My servant, And Israel My chosen one, I have also called you by your name; I have given you a title of honor Though you have not known Me” (Isaiah 45:4).
Federal Visionists love this verse because they think that God is referring to all of Israel as “My chosen one,” including both the saved and unsaved under the one title of “elect.” Thus, Federal Visionists argue that one can be “elect” corporately, but “non-elect” soteriologically. However, this so-called corporate election is a myth designed to overthrow the Reformed tradition.
The Reformed faith has always insisted that election can only mean election unto to eternal life. You will not find corporate election or ecclesial election in any of the Reformed Confessions. On the contrary, in Reformed theology, election is always identical to salvation.
We freely recognize that the Bible speaks of election in differing ways, but Reformed theology has never made an allowance for these different kinds of election. Remember, we dare not add or subtract from the Modern Reformed magisterium. Semper Reformanda is a slogan, not a policy.